
What is Cenforce 130 mg?

Cenforce 130mg is an extra-strength version of the sildenafil citrate medication used to treat erectile dysfunction. This dosage provides a significant 30mg increase over the standard 100mg Cenforce tablet, making it one of the most potent formulations available in the Cenforce product line. The increased sildenafil content in the 130mg dose is intended to help men with more severe or difficult-to-treat cases of ED when lower doses have proven ineffective. However, this higher potency also comes with heightened safety risks, as exceeding the recommended maximum daily dose of 100mg sildenafil can lead to serious side effects. Cenforce 130mg should only be used under the close supervision of a healthcare provider who can carefully monitor the patient's response and overall health. While the 130mg strength may offer enhanced erectile function benefits for some individuals, it is generally considered a last resort option when other ED treatments have failed, given the significant potential for adverse reactions.

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