留学生インタビュー Winnie



 Name: Winnie Chen

Year: Junior

Major: Japanese Language and Culture, Food Science

Nationality: American

Favorite Japanese food: Hiroshima okonomiyaki

Why do you like Talk×talk: Provides me an opportunity to interact with fellow students and better understand the Japanese culture


2,Talk about Talk×talk

・What is your favorite event or the game of usual meeting in Talk×talk?


・What is your good memory in Talk×talk?

I like TalkxTalk, during each meeting we play several games and they held various off-campus activities. For example, playing games together and laughing together. It really makes one feel at home.


3, Talk about yourself

・What are you working on now, what are your dreams for future?

I am working towards graduating, but with the current situation with COVID-19 I don’t think I could graduate on time but it’s okay. To be honest, I only started to really like science in high school. Now, I want to pursue a career in the Food Science field. I would like to work in laboratory dealing with things food related. So, I will try to get my major sorted so I can finally graduate!

・What made you come to Talk×talk

At first, it was because my friends from HUSA began going. I was like maybe I could become friends with regular students as well as I didn’t really have many opportunities to take classes with them. After consistently going for a few weeks, I found it fun and it was better being cooped up in my dorm all day. 

・What is a good point of Talk×talk for international students? 

The best part of TalkxTalk is meeting new people and becoming friends where you could do little things together like eating lunch, going shopping, karaoke and etc. Especially, since I was the only one from my college and state, going to TalkxTalk gave me the opportunity to talk with international students, regular students, and also exchange students. You get to learn about various countries and listen to stories from various perspective. It really broadens one’s view.


4, Any message to everyone

TalkxTalk functions with the cooperation from everyone. Be active, be brave and open yourself to these opportunities! Gotta get outta your comfort zone. Nothing would change if YOU don’t anything, so 頑張ってね!