Name: Christyana Henrietta
Major: Former AIMS Student
Nationality: Indonesia
Favorite Japanese food: Tempura
Why do you like Talk×talk: Its fun! full of new friends!
2,Talk about Talk×talk
・What is your favorite event or the game of usual meeting in Talk×talk?
The Christmas event! where we can exchange gifts
・What is your good memory in Talk×talk?
Have small conversation with many people
3, Talk about yourself
・What are you working on now, what are your dreams for future?
I'm having a job as marketer and i dream to become CEO of my own company in the future, wish me luck!
・What made you come to Talk×talk
The people! So many warm invitations
・What is a good point of Talk×talk for international students?
New network of very good people, good friends
4, Any message to everyone
Miss you guys so much! Small Talk in TalkxTalk does give me such meaning of friends from different countries.