留学生インタビュー Gemma



Name:                                                   Gemma  

Year:                                                      6th grade

Major:                                                   Architecture

Nationality:                                          Spain      

Favorite Japanese food:                      Sushi – Okonomiyaki (Hiroshima style)

Why do you like Talk×talk:              Because I can make japanese and foreign students friends while improving both English and Japanese language skills.


2,Talk about Talk×talk

・What is your favorite event or the game of usual meeting in Talk×talk?

My favorite game is 絵しりとりand my favorite event would be the Christmas party so everyone is coming and gets so fun.

・What is your good memory in Talk×talk?

There are lots of good memories, but for me the most important are those days that we end up in an izakaya or going to Karaoke after the meeting.


3, Talk about yourself

・What are you working on now, what are your dreams for future?

Right now I am finishing my graduation project so I can become an architect in the next months. In the future I dream about being able to help people who needs a home because they lost it in some disaster, or just because they don’t have the means and resources to have one, like the refugees. I would love to help them build their homes and schools in a sustainable way.

・What made you come to Talk×talk

I wanted to make friends and experience more the japanese university life. 

 ・What is a good point of Talk×talk for international students? 

The best point I think that is getting closer to other students, it doesn’t matter if japanese or foreign, and make friends that could last years after going back to the country.


4, Any message to everyone

Even if you are afraid of meeting new people, or worried about your communication skills and language, do not think it twice, just go. The first time you will be shy and probably will not talk a lot, but try harder, go a second time, and a third, and keep trying. Because there are going to be a lot of people like you, who can help you to get better at those communication skills and to improve your English or Japanese language. And the most important thing is that you will not regret it, you will be thankful to yourself and to all the people around you, people that will have become your friends.