I attended one of the events held by ICP and had much fun. Since I can’t really speak Japanese, I found it very difficult to get to know people here and to have better insights into Japan. ICP provided me with the chance to have international communications with not only Japanese people but also other foreign students here in Nagoya.

I am quite worried about joining ICP as a staff since my Japanese is far from 上手, but i will try my best and contribute as much as I can. As a international student studying in Japan, I know what foreigners expect from the events so I guess that’s how I can help and make ICP events more friendly and appealing to foreigners.

I’m really glad that I chose to join ICP because from now on, I will have to “force” myself to understand the language in order to have effective communications with the staff members.

 Let’s make ICP more attractive to everyone else and provide more opportunities for people to meet and talk!