Spreading love not hatred through ICP

I was scrolling through instagram when I got a follow request from a group called the ICP. I looked through the profile to find that it was a society assembled by college students, and its purpose was to get more people involved in the ICP community so that people can get to know each other through their culture. I, a teenage girl that came to America as a Japanese girl when I was in kindergarten, thought that this program was a great opportunity to spread the importance of interaction with other races. I have learned in history class that many countries use economic disabilities and inabilities to fight with other nations so that they can be the top number one country in the world. How does this connect to ICP? Well, it connects to the ICP because ICP teaches others the importance of how individual people are more important than race. This can be easy but it is also really hard because of the world wide issue: racism. For example, the cold war’s main purpose was to see which one had the best militia power, America or Russia. This made Americans hate communism but also Russia as they thought that Russia was a threat towards their democratic a ideals.  I would not say that this is true, however, there is another factor. Economic gains. If all the countries become communism, there would not be any capitalist markets, leading the America’s economy to fail. America wanted more land to control so that they can gain economically through planting in markets all over the world. America has always been an imperialistic country and this lead to America having many enemies in foreign countries so that they can gain resources from everywhere. America’s common people, not knowing that all of this war and hatred was caused by economic ideals to gain money and land, showed hatred towards other countries leading to racism. For example, the Americans hated the Irish so much because they were seen as foreign people taking their jobs. The labor unions were jealous because the Irish people were getting jobs and succeeding, making competitions for jobs harder. They did not realize the real power, the government and the monopolized companies, were the main problem. The government and the companies simply wanted racism to continue so that the other races such as the Irish can come to gain more money leading to America growing more economically. Racism is such a big problem in the world because people see it as a threat towards their economic opportunities. I have learned that people hate other races because they believe that they are “taking their opportunity to become richer and achieve the American Dream”. Media also takes part in this. The Yellow Journalism spread people to hate the Spanish because of false news in which they said that the Spanish troops attacked America on purpose. This was just the media using false news to make people dominate in hating Spanish so that they can have a war to acquire the Philippines, Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Guam. Through this, I learned that the main purpose for war is economic benefits, and the government use the power of hatred to justify imperialism. US is a growing factor because they use imperialistic power to take over the world so that they can have markets all over the world. I believe that the world should not spread hatred over money, but to spread love towards each other. For example, Malcom X is a great example for this. He was an African American who thought that they needed to defend themselves from the white racist people, and they believed that the African Americans needed to use force and violence to stop racism. Then, he went to the Africa’s muslim religious organization to see white people there treating African people as if they were brothers and sisters. Through this, Malcom X had a big change in heart to realize that the white people were not such always racist. ICP can be similar to this because it shows how to spread kindness and make the racist people realize that there is no need to be racist. ICP is a great community through this tragedy because it helps us link together through different culture and communication systems. Racism is just a big trap set by the government to grow economically for their own benefits, and people need to realize what must be spread throughout the world.  ICP is a great opportunity to actually realize that people are made good and not bad, but also to realize how much there is behind all the rumors that are spread behind racism. Recently, the corona virus outbreak has everyone racist towards Asian people because the white and other races were taught that Asian people are always a threat towards themselves. Asians were always seen as “less than the white” because the Asians were really smart and took so many jobs from the white people in America. They just used the corona virus to be more racists towards people so that they can feel better about themselves. People just need to stop letting people down just because of race, and realize that a virus is not an excuse to treat people differently. Every country is beautiful and unique in their own way, and it is our job as young people to fix all the hatred that was caused through false news. Just always remember that if you are taught to be racist towards other countries, the “other country’s people” may not be a bad person but just has a bad government wanting economic prosperities. I have not been that involved in the ICP community because I live in America and I cannot go to many places freely, but I still want to contribute spreading love throughout the countries. I want to spread the words of ICP to end racism so that people brainwashed to hate other countries will realize what beauty and fun they are missing out!

