
(English Below)
【IDFC2020 クラウドファンディング開始のお知らせ】




 Mingalabar, Konnichiwa!
IDFC 2020 is coming around the corner!
 Committee members are working harder to host IDFC 2020 in three cities (Kyoto, Mandalay, and Yangon) for the first time!

 However, a large amount of budget is has been a big issue for holding IDFC every year.
We started the official Crowd Funding page of IDFC 2020 to ask for your sincere support for us.
 We are grateful if you could support us not only for holding IDFC 2020 but also for the bright future of Myanmar and Japan youth leaders.

 We prepare some returns to whom people support us.
 Unfortunately, our Polca page is all in Japanese, so please ask any details of crowdfunding via Facebook or email (idfc.japan@gmail.com)

