ICP has changed my life:)

ICP has changed my life.
When I was a freshman just a year ago, I wanted talk to people from different countries and I was seeking any opportunity to touch English. You know, it’s hard to speak English when we lead a usual life in Japan. Then luckily I met a guy from ICP and he invited me to the party and I became the staff. When I joined the party for the first time I thought This is What I Want To Do. At first I just wanted to speak English but I could meet many friends as well so now I have friends all over the world and to visit them became one of my dreams. Additionally I’m studying hard to transfer to a university in Norway right now. This is because I met a girl from there at this party, whose culture impressed me and I became to think I wanna stay and study English and gender studies. It triggered me to study hard and live passionately! Everyone is kind, the atmosphere is lively and calm, every moment you can spend here is precious so you will be back here once you come;);)

I’m waiting for u! thank you